East End Arts, Applegrove Community Complex and mosaic artist Cristina Delago are bringing back Food 4 Thought to the new Neighbourhood Food Hub Kitchen!
Food 4 Thought: MOSAIC
East End Arts and Artist Cristina Delago
November & December, 2021
Location: Online, over Zoom
Cost: Free to seniors thanks to Applegrove Community Complex
*Please note that this program is not open to the public for participation
In June of 2020, East End Arts, Applegrove Community Complex, and the East End United Regional Ministry introduced a new program working with local seniors accessing the Glen Rhodes Food Bank – Food 4 Thought! Food 4 Thought originated as a series of weekly art activities, focused around recipe sharing and story-telling to help keep spirits up while we all stayed at home. Along with a weekly food basket, East End Arts and our partners delivered arts and craft supplies to participating seniors in June and July, as well as a weekly set of creative prompts to spark the imagination, as well as feed the soul.
Now, for the next iteration of our Food 4 Thought program we have invited artist Cristina Delago to lead participating seniors in exploring food-related themes through the art of mosaic. Each participant will receive the tools and materials to create two mosaic panels, one to keep and one to be installed in the beautiful new Neighbourhood Food Hub Kitchen! Through a series of six interactive online workshops participants will learn how to use all the tools necessary to create beautiful mosaics, explore their creativity and foster connection with their fellow seniors.
About the Artist: Cristina Delago
Cristina Delago was born in Italy, where her artistic spirit was nurtured. She moved to Toronto (1982) and attended the Ontario College of Art and Design. Cristina graduated with honours from the Design Department, specializing in ceramics. Shortly after graduation she participated in numerous art shows. At the same time she started her own business creating handcrafted tiles and architectural elements. On these projects, she works with some of Toronto’s most recognized interior designers and architects.
Cristina’s passion for teaching and community art work brought her to lead many workshops at venues such as the ROM, Avenue Arts School and Mural Routes. In the past 10 years Cristina had the opportunity to work on several large mosaic murals which she was awarded through a call for artists. To name a few of her most prestigious works, Coxwell Subway Station, Bathurst and Lawrence intersection and many community murals such as the Jack Layton Ferry Docks mosaic mural. Cristina has also received many grants from the OAC to work at various schools and communities as an artist in education creating mosaic murals. She also serves on board of Mural Routes and gets to lead mosaic mural projects with art organizations such as Vibe, StreetArt, StArt, EEA.
Mosaic Photos & Progress
Stay tuned for photos of this mosaic project as it progresses!
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