ArtMEETS: Impressionist Watercolour Painting!
Facilitator: Beth Fanjoy
Saturday, August 24, 2019
St. Matthew’s Clubhouse | 450 Broadview Avenue
Cost: $10 | Register on Eventbrite
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Take a cue from the Impressionists to create beautiful watercolour pieces!
Capture the shifting nature of light, and focus on spontaneity over realistic depictions of life using watercolour. Creative techniques will be introduced such as the “dot” technique reminiscent of Seurat, dry bush on rough paper, wax resist as well as playing with wet-in-wet, each technique revealing new ways of creating movement and light, while exploring the unique transparent and fluid nature of watercolour.
Beth Fanjoy’s love of art is expressed through a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic, photography and watercolour. She is particularly drawn to the fluid and transparent nature of watercolour, how it invites spontaneity and self-expression. Her subject matter ranges from figurative and landscape to non-representational. When possible Beth combines her passion for art with her yoga teaching, running workshops that combine creativity and intuition with meditation and movement. Through her teaching and practice she aims to inspire others to dig beyond the surface to reveal a reality that excites and connects. Beth has a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and Psychology. Her yoga training is through Kripalu Centre for Yoga and Health.
In order to continue to support the ArtMEETS program and its facilitators, as well as to offset the cost of high quality art supplies provided during each workshop, each ArtMEETS workshop will be $10. Payment is to be made online at the time of registration, which will be done via Eventbrite. Payments through Eventbrite can be made with any major credit card, or through PayPal.
Unfortunately, East End Arts is not able of offer refunds or exchanges at this time. If you are not able to attend an ArtMEETS workshop that you’ve registered for, please feel free to transfer your ticket to a friend! If you’re transferring your spot to another person, be sure to email them your ticket or hand it to them personally, and let East End Arts know in advance. Thank you!
To ensure that the cost of each workshop does not serve as a barrier to participation, community members will have the opportunity to participate in an ArtMEETS workshop for free via Energy Exchange! An Energy Exchange is a way for you to pay for an ArtMEETS workshop with energy and time, as opposed to with money. Energy Exchange positions will include setting/packing up tables and chairs before and after an ArtMEETS workshop, participating in an ArtMEETS focus group, and more. Energy Exchange positions will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis, with preference being given to individuals from low-income households, and/or those who identify as belonging to one or more of the following equity priority groups, as identified by the Toronto Arts Council and the Ontario Arts Council:
- Indigenous
- Francophone
- Person of Colour
- Deaf
- Person with Disability/ies
- Person Living with Mental Illness