Art MEETS: Watercolour Painting Hacks
Facilitator: Christine Walker
Saturday, July 7, 2018 | 1-4pm
St. Matthew’s Clubhouse | 450 Broadview Avenue
Part of the 2018 Art MEETS series of free workshops
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Create unique and stunning effects using watercolour!
Using everyday household items, produce a series of miniature watercolour paintings. Explore a wide variety of watercolour techniques to create different effects, including wax resist, splatter, blotting, and stencils.
Fun and accessible for both beginning and experienced painters of all ages, this workshop will show participants how to create unique and visually stunning effects using water-based paint, paper, and everyday household items. Participants will produce up to ten miniature paintings to practice some of these techniques, and can then create a larger artwork combining multiple effects if time permits. Suggestions and prompts will be provided for inspiration (e.g., East Toronto landmarks, animals, colour groupings), but participants are welcome to let their creativity guide them. The ten techniques that will be explored are; salt, plastic wrap, wax resist, wet on wet, splatter, blowing, blotting, alcohol, stencils, and stamping.
Christine Walker graduated with her Master of Fine Arts degree at OCADU in 2012. She also has Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from NSCADU, and a Bachelor of Education degree, with Arts qualifications from Kindergarten to grade 12. She has been a Visual Arts teacher with the TDSB for 14 years, and is very passionate about quality arts education.
Christine Walker’s recent artwork explores the experiences of migratory songbirds in urban environments through painting, photography, and collage. The merging together of materials and information functions as a metaphor for the fragmented and disoriented vision of birds when confronted with urban architecture. While also experienced in oil and acrylic painting, Christine has been experimenting extensively with watercolour paints and using them to achieve unusual effects. She appreciates the wide range of possibilities afforded by water-based paints and uses them frequently in both her teaching practice and in her own work.
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Art MEETS is a series of eight FREE art-making workshops and opportunities to make, explore, experience, transform, and share. Let your creativity shine!
Led by talented, supportive, and engaging arts facilitators, each workshop offers an opportunity to learn a new art skill, have fun, meet new community members, and find new and creative ways for self expression.
Art MEETS is presented by East End Arts with the generous support of our community partner Above Ground Art Supplies.
East End Arts strives to make our programming as accessible and inclusive as possible. If there are any accommodations that you need for any of these workshops, please email info@eastendarts.ca – we will do our best to meet your needs.
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