100in1Day Toronto East
June 6, 2015
Various locations around Toronto
Learn more and see the map: https://toronto.100in1day.ca/
100in1day Toronto takes place June 6, 2015 across the city, including tons of free, family-friendly activities in the east end. It is a global festival of civic engagement, inviting people to imagine the possibilities for our city, unite, and participate in small initiatives to spark change.
100in1day Events in Toronto’s East End:
Wind, Sun, Water – Dawes Crossing Community Art Project
by Pamela Schuller
Dawes Crossing (Dawes Road & Victoria Park Avenue)
Communication, creativity, connection. Opening doors within our minds, and allows for new possibilities. Dawes Crossing neighbourhood residents are invited to create a collective art installation reflective of the unique outdoor structure that celebrates natural resources of wind, sun, water, and wood and is public gathering space. Participants will be encouraged to paint a square of canvas interpreting one of the 4 of the natural resources: wind, sun, water, wood as it inspires them personally or culturally.
Danforth East Means To Me
by Danforth East Community Association (DECA) & East End Pioneer
Coxwell Parkette (SW corner of Danforth & Coxwell)
9:30am to 12:30pm
The Danforth East community mural is meant to allow the community’s collective voices to be heard by government, police and business owners and create a dialogue about a safer future. DECA and community partner East End Pioneer are asking community members (residents, business owners, politicians) to help create a community mural, by painting 30 feet of canvas stretched down the sidewalk in front of Coxwell Parkette. Everyone in the community, of all ages, is invited to come and paint, draw or write what Danforth East means to them. Afterwards, the mural will be mounted in the parkette or on a nearby construction hoarding as a symbol of neighbourhood support and community pride.
Rain Gardens of Danforth East Village
by Marc Yamaguchi, Aidan Nolan, Alex Rochon-Terry, Alexander Garcia Muradov, Kara Garcia, and Ting Wang
705 Sammon Avenue
Scale up and get the City to beautify our streets with this biodiverse LID (Low Impact Development) water infiltration ecosystem. A rain garden installation demonstration will be conducted from a house’s front lot. A contingent of Homegrown National Park Rangers will lay down a perimeter of pollinator friendly native plants as well as apply the river rock that leads to the downspout disconnect. A master gardener will be on hand to explain the process and benefits of this intervention all the while a videographer will film the event. The edited version will be uploaded for free access to DIY rain garden replication.
Storytelling With the Department of Imaginary Affairs
by Department of Imaginary Affairs and Blair Francey
Jimmie Simpson Park
The Department of Imaginary Affairs (supported by East End Arts) is collecting stories from people who live, work and play in the East side. Your story may end up in the DIA’s Scotiabank Nuit Blanche installation “The East Side Story” on October 3, 2015 in St. James Park. Come visit us on June 6th and 7th at the Riverdale Art Walk in Jimmie Simpson Park at 870 Queen Street East to share your story with us in person. We will be collecting written and visual stories.
Tie a Yellow Ribbon
by Jana Redford, Nicholas Melymuk, Kelly McAllister, and Ilda De Sousa
Woodbine Park
Raising awareness for The Yellow Dog Project, and promoting that outdoor spaces are comfortable and inclusive for all Torontonians, including the four-legged ones.
Seeds of Action: Planting Change In Our Community
Gerrard/Ashdale Public Library
1432 Gerrard St. E. (Coxwell and Lower Gerrard)
11 a.m. to noon – Author and former politician Marilyn Churley reads from her book Shameless: The Fight for Adoption Disclosure and the Search for My Son. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. – Super duper book sale to support your local library, bargains, bookbags, bookmarks. 3:00-4:00 p.m. – Seeds of action: planting change in our community. Local families plant the seeds of action in their community with activities and conversation. Events will be held outdoors, weather permitting.
Pape Park & Play
by Julius Aquino and Ben Elling
783 – 787 Pape Avenue (one block north of Pape Subway Station)
Turn Pape from an avenue to drive down and parked on, into a boulevard to sit down and play on. The organizers and neighbours have banded together to create a temporary parklet fronting the houses on the busy east side of Pape Avenue. Converted on-street parking stalls become a public gathering space occupied with a library of all things games, and tables and chairs to invite friendly matches between neighbours, passersby, and first-time visitors to the area.
Bells on Danforth
by East end cyclists
Prince Edward Viaduct Parkette (across from Castle Frank station)
Meet at 10:30am. Ride starts at 11am (until 12:30pm)
The east end’s annual family-friendly celebration of cycling is back for a fourth edition for a pedal-powered parade to celebrate cycling as a safe, fun, and practical family activity in Toronto.
Sounds of the City
by Kiana Eastmond and Karga Moore
340 Gerrard Street East
Encouraging people to experience their artistic selves. We all have something we want to express, this would be an opportunity to experience expression. Recording people with any musical talent, at any level for 10 minutes a person just to freestyle or do something musical. Showing that everyone has music in them, and documenting the diversity of Toronto at the same time.
And the Answer Will Give Rise to the Next Question: Conversation-making with EQALATERAL
The Wren, 1382 Danforth Avenue
The intervention aims to bridge connections, encourage conversation, facilitate unexpected encounters, empower self-expression, stimulate new ideas and build social capital.
Clean City is a Beautiful City
by Bangladesh Association of Toronto Ontario and Farhana Khan
Dentonia Park
The park will be a clean and healthy park after clean up. Goal is to get local community residents involved in their community (starting with clean-up), and to connect local residents with one another as a way of not only building community but also to help address some the isolation that individuals are experiencing.
Rhodes Jam
by the local Gerrard India Bazaar BIA, merchants and residents of the Bazaar
Corner of Gerrard Street East and Rhodes Avenue
Create a harmonious community in a diverse neighbourhood through musical intervention, and a shared joy and pure love of simply making music together. Bring your own instruments & join in the fun to make music in the street with a giant community music jam. Free activities for kinds including face painting, henna designs, and crafts.
Learnt Wisdom: Above & Beyond
by Daniel Rotsztain and Natalie Boustead
Old Eastern Avenue Bridge
A reconsideration of public space, an invitation to activate overlooked spaces in the city. Learnt Wisdom is a storytelling event in unconventional spaces that invites us to explore our hearts as we explore the city. The 7th edition will be on the old Eastern Avenue bridge where 4 speakers will share their thoughts on the theme ABOVE & BEYOND.
Backyard City Critters Workshop
by the Toronto Botanical Garden
Jones Library, 118 Jones Ave
Understanding and recognizing what is in your own backyard. Urban exploration and education. Ever wondered about the different types of critters that call Toronto home? Come to Jones Library where an expert from the Toronto Botanical Garden will educate you about the natural wonders that are in your own backyard.
Alleyway of Dreams Creative Collective
by Mark Kerwin and Sarosh Anwar
Coleman Park and alleyway behind tennis courts
Seeing the alleways possibilities for beauty, art, community and nature. Planting more butterfly friendly plants. We will be outlining new art work installation possiblities and locations, cleaning up alley and park, and using chaulk to create positive abundance words related to the future of the project.
Buzz Bombs in Withrow Park
by Sarah Elton
Withrow Park
Celebrate the connection between humans and the pollinators by making seed bombs from clay, water and native flowering plant seeds for participants to take home.
Riverside Eats & Beats StreetFEST
by Riverside BIA
Riverside Broadview Street Closure and Jimmie Simpson Park
Bringing the community together through street engagement and enlivening Queen Street East through music, art and food! Many of the businesses here also live in the neighbourhood, and it is a unique way to celebrate all that makes Riverside’s community unique. As part of Riverside’s festivities, The Artists’ Network’s Riverdale Art Walk is a two-day (June 6th -7th ), free fine art exhibition showcasing established and emerging artists in retail spaces, artists’ studios and Riverside’s Jimmie Simpson Park.
Pop-Up ARTivation
by The STEPS Initiative
Queen Street East (just west of Broadview)
STEPS’ award winning Pop-Up ARTivations is a mobile community that creatively challenges and changes how public spaces are used in our city. They will be curating a live painting with emerging artists while engaging with passersby and receiving inspiration from conversations and stories shared by community members.
Community Picnic
by Rebekah Quach
1549 Danforth Avenue
More neighbours to meet and form relationships. All residents are invited to the little park at the top of the street. Everyone can bring a picnic and a blanket and come together for a couple of hours to socialize, meet neighbours, and spend time in the sun.
Sunflower Celebration
by ETCAG East Toronto Climate Action Group and Susan Crofts
Strathmore Blvd. (just north east of the Woodbine TTC Subway Station)
For 6 years, East Toronto Climate Action Group has maintained a Native Prairie Garden in this public space nurturing Woodland and False Sunflower species that produce food for birds, butterflies and bees in spite of the hot, dry conditions at this greenspace location. Helping to clean the air in this busy Toronto intersection, carbon dioxide emitted by vehicular traffic is exchanged by the plants in our Native Prairie Garden for oxygen through photosynthesis. Walking as an alternative to driving a vehicle, encourages community enjoyment of seasonal changes in our Native Prairie Garden. Sunflower cookies will be shared with passers-by to draw community attention to this greening project.
Woman’s Day Event
by Bev Moore and Tammy Clarke
Taylor Creek Park (West side)
Friendships, community and confidence for all women who participate. Guest speakers, live music (instruments and singing), introductions to each other and opportunities for participants to open up and share. The goal is to unite women and change our perspectives on our differences, break down barriers and lessen judgement, being left with pure love and acceptance.
Love Letters to Withrow Park
by Fiona Innis
Withrow Park
Withrow Park is always full of people enjoying a range of activities – sports, picnics, playground, reading under a tree, playing guitar. The park gives so much to the community, now it’s our turn to show Withrow Park some love! Use sidewalk chalk to draw or write a love letter to Withrow Park. What do you love about your park? What’s your favourite thing about your park? What could make it even better?
Wheels in Withrow
by Andrew Simpson and Ron Vida
Withrow Park
Help people learn more about cycling options in their neighbourhood. We want to invite all manner of 2-wheeled conveyance to join us in Withrow Park and celebrate all things cycling. Hosted by local singer/songwriter Gregg Lawless; activities will include: TrailBlazers Tandem Bike Club, Bike decorating, Bike book reading circle, and a Ukulele jam at noon!
Neighbourhood Clean-Up
by United Way Toronto GenNext Cabinet
Taylor Creek Parking Lot
Draw attention to the amazing public spaces Toronto has to offer. Roll up your sleeves and help put the polish on outdoor space in one of our priority neighbourhoods. In this intervention, we’ll be tidying up Taylor Creek Park alongside residents and United Way-funded agency partners. We’ll provide the garbage bags and gloves; you provide the elbow grease.
Colour Our Corner of the World
by Riverdale Branch Toronto Public Library
Broadview and Gerrard
We would love the corner to become a more vital part of our neighbourhood. We will be brightening up the corner with chalk paint and chalk. Draw a garden on our wall facing the street, write a poem, stencil a message, paint a masterpiece….