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Merryn is an emerging artist and illustrator from East Toronto, with a passion for public art and the community it creates. Her love of stories and all things imaginative led her to study Illustration at OCAD University, where she graduated from in 2021. Since then, Merryn has been digging into various creative pursuits – painting murals around Toronto, getting a Ceramics certificate at the Haliburton School of Art & Design, and continuing to draw, paint, and make silly little things whenever she can. Last summer, Merryn worked with Mabelle Arts and local residents to help paint 2 large murals that the community helped design – you can see them from the Don Valley between Dundas and Gerrard, if you happen to be passing by!

You may have previously seen Merryn painting on a street corner around the city, helping with your bulk/zero waste shopping needs at the former Urban Bulk & Refill, riding her bike around the East End, or hanging out in one of our beautiful parks to read or draw or just enjoy the day. She can’t wait to meet you and make art with you this summer as East End Art’s new Programming Assistant for 2024!

email: merryn [at] eastendarts [dot] ca
phone: 647.715.2150

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