Let’s Talk Space:
Creating a New Multi-Use Cultural Arts Space in Toronto’s East End
January 19, 2016 @ Coxwell Danforth Library (Attendance: 22)
February 25, 2016 @ East York Civic Centre (Attendance: 14)
In early 2016, East End Arts helped organize two meetings to assess community interest in the development of a new multi-use arts space in the east end of Toronto. The first “Let’s Talk Space” discussion was led by Rev. Brian McIntosh, whose own arts group – Toronto Beach Chorale – is in particular need of a theatre suitable for large scale choir performances. The second “Let’s Talk Space” discussion was led by Cindy Rozeboom from East End Arts who attempted to drill deeper into the specific interests of the meeting attendees. Based on the feedback from these two groups, it seems evident that the issue of arts space in the east end is of interest to many. However, there was not a cohesive demand surfacing from these two gatherings. Instead, there were several themes that emerged, from perspectives such as:
- Individuals representing existing art/cultural venues in the east end that are looking for tenants/partners. These include:
- Crow’s Theatre: will be opening their new space next year and are currently taking on renters/partners. They will have two accessible spaces: a small and mid-sized performance spaces (Seating 215 / 90), state-of-the-art tech & restaurant.
- Riverdale Hub: a beautiful space with a gallery and workshop areas for rent, located at Gerrard & Greenwood.
- The Silver Mill: an independently owned building currently in development at Dawes & Danforth
- Individuals representing venues that could be (or are being) used for arts/cultural activities, though it is not their primary function:
- Cosburn United Church
- Presteign-Woodbine United Church
- Presbyterian Woodbine United Church
- Individuals/Groups looking for art venues, but that have not found spaces suitable for their needs:
- A multi-use space that includes a large performance hall capable of accommodating audiences of 250+ (Toronto Beach Chorale)
- Workshop space that is heavily subsidized
- Exhibition gallery space that is affordable and accessible
Case study examples of how arts venues have been developed elsewhere:
- Windemere Church Has dance school in the basement
- Kimbourne Church is used by Pegasus Studios for classes and local high school for recitals
- Camden Arts Centre in the UK http://www.camdenartscentre.org
- Opera House on Queen Street East
- Danforth Music Hall
- Faith Temple (Broadview) https://m.facebook.com/broadviewplace
Miscellaneous Notes
- Karen Pitrie’s report “Community hubs in Ontario: strategic framework and action plan”
- “South Riverdale Assessment” report
- Spacefinder
Next Steps
- Toronto Beach Chorale continues to seek partner groups/individuals interested in pursuing a new space development. Interested parties should contact Rev. McIntosh by May 15, 2016. For more information about this initiative, see: TBC Proposal About Space
- Share your thoughts on the state of arts venues in the east end of Toronto – via social media using #LetsTalkSpace or send us an email at info(at)eastendarts(dot)ca
For further information or questions, please contact:
Toronto Beach Chorale: torontobeachchorale(at)gmail(dot)com
East End Arts: info(at)eastendarts(dot)ca