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East End Arts has launched our third annual arts survey to continue getting to know our East Toronto community members, and to shape arts & culture in our neighbourhood!

East End Arts 2021 Survey
Survey Link: HERE

In 2018 East End Arts launched our first arts survey to find out more about the east Toronto communities we serve. In 2020 we followed up with our second arts survey, to continue gathering important information about our communities that would inform our programs and services. Now, we’re following up with our THIRD annual arts survey to measure how the opinions, behaviours, and needs of our community have changed and evolved over this past year.

We know that so much has changed for all of us since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the arts and culture sector specifically has faced significant setbacks including income losses, restrictions on gatherings and events, significant changes in consumer behaviour, unemployment, and more.

We also know that we are committed to offering programs in a hybrid in-person and digital way for the foreseeable future, and we want to know what types of programs and services you would like to see, and how we can better serve our communities of arts producers and arts consumers. Together, we can continue to strengthen the arts in east Toronto!

Completing the survey will enter you into a lottery for a chance to win $200 in gift cards ($100 to local restaurant Cumin, and $100 to local restaurant Mezes – two East End Arts favourites!). Please ensure that the email address you provide on the survey is the one you wish to be contacted at if you win our prize!

Please note that our survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


A winner will be selected and contacted by Wednesday June 16th, 2021. We thank you for participating in our survey!

*Feature photo by Sivan Dubinsky*

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