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East End Arts invites artists to submit an application for Seniors in the East: A Storybook Program! The deadline for this call has been EXTENDED to Friday May 24, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST


Seniors in the East: A Storybook Program is a paper-based art program that will allow up to 35 seniors in the east end of Toronto to try new paper-based art skills, learn basic digital literacy skills, and connect and get creative with other seniors online and in-person at our Clubhouse!

Seniors in the East will take place over six months – September 2024 to March 2025 – and will feature six monthly art workshops on Zoom, all led by different artist facilitators who teach a new paper-based art skill. The goal of these workshops is to teach new art skills that can be executed on mixed-use paper in a bound notebook. All of our senior participants will receive a large oversized notebook filled with mixed-use paper at the beginning of the season (exact size TBD, but minimum 8.5×11″ in size), and the hope is for them to fill the pages of these notebooks with their own stories through the course of the program.

Throughout the season participating seniors will also receive a combination of creative prompts through a shared Facebook group to help keep inspiration and creativity high, and the opportunity to enjoy monthly in-person crafting and tea sessions at our Clubhouse for those who are interested and able. This program will culminate with an in-person exhibition at St. Matthew’s Clubhouse where all of the notebooks from all of our senior participants will come together, and their artwork and stories will be shared with the community.


We are seeking submissions from paper-based artists and/or arts facilitators interested in sharing their art practice with a group of engaged seniors through one or maximum two 3-hour workshops. We are open to any type of artform, so long as it can be executed on mixed media paper to help fill the pages of their notebook. Let your imaginations run wild! The key themes for this artist call are: storytelling, paper, and connection. Each arts technique must also be accompanied by a series of three creative prompts that the seniors will receive via email after the workshop to continue to inspire them to use this technique. Workshops will take place over Zoom, and senior participants will be provided with materials related to the workshops.

Preference will be given to artist proposals that:

  • Introduce senior participants to new and engaging art forms & experiences;
  • Provide seniors with an outlet for artistry and self-expression to tell their unique stories;
  • Teach an art form that can clearly and successfully be taught to senior participants over Zoom;
  • Have sustainable practices built into the art form (we are prioritizing workshops that help to reduce waste and have a sustainable framework);
  • Teach an art form that can be executed on mixed use paper to fit inside their storybooks.

Let your imaginations run wild, and propose a fun paper-based workshop that is both engaging and accessible for our senior participants! We look forward to seeing what you propose.


Three to six artists will be chosen by a committee of local seniors. Priority will be given to artists from EEA’s Priority Groups, with particular weight given to applications from other senior artists or arts facilitators. Proposals will be evaluated based on the experience of facilitators, alignment with the themes as described in the application, and viability of the proposed program to be delivered online.

Selected artists will be paid $250 for prep and $450 for one 3-hour workshop. You may propose a technique that involves up to two workshops.


  • Deadline for submissions: EXTENDED to May 24, 2024
  • Results notification will be the week of July 15, 2024
  • Selected Artists will all be asked to join a welcome party with participants on August 9, 2024
  • Online Workshops will take place between September 6, 2024, and February 7, 2025


Thank you for your interest in Doorstop Diaries! To apply, please email one single PDF document, which includes your answers and all support material, to, with the following information:

  1. Name of Artist or Collective:
  2. Postal Code:
  3. Website (if applicable):
  4. Social Handles:
  5. Describe the artistic technique that you would like to share in your workshop. Keep in mind that all techniques must be able to be executed in a bound mixed-use paper notebook with limited materials. All techniques should be accessible enough that they can be learned in a three-hour class online. (Max 250 words)
  6. Aside from the mixed use paper notebook we will provide to our seniors, what materials are required for your workshop? (Keep in mind there is a budget of $25 per participant).
  7. It’s often true that seniors are disproportionately isolated and their stories often untold. How will your workshop allow seniors to tell their stories and encourage self expression? (Max 250 words).
  8. In addition to your proposed art workshop, please provide 3 “prompts” that participants might use to feel inspired to continue using the technique that you’ve taught them. (Max 250 words).
  9. Please explain how your proposed arts workshop considers sustainability in its design and implementation. (Max 250 words)
  10. Please provide an artist bio (250 words), attach a CV & promotional headshot.
    ** This bio & headshot will be used as promotional material for selected artists.
  11. Provide 6 examples of your work as support materials.
    **Please note that it’s important that these support materials show your ability to execute the type of workshop you have proposed.
  12. Please confirm if you are a member of any of East End Arts’ Equity Seeking Groups:
    -Local East Toronto Resident
    -Female/Non-Binary Identifying
    -Person of Colour
    -Person living with Disabilities and/or Mental Illness
    -Low Income Community Member
    -Crescent Town Community Member
    -Bengali Community Member

Please save your single PDF document with your name in the file name, and Doorstop at the end, i.e. Robin_Smith_DoorstopApp.pdf.

If you have any questions about the application process you can email our Office & Outreach Coordinator Rashana at

Deadline for submissions: EXTENDED to May 24, 2024 11:59PM EST


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