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East End Arts invites artists to submit an application for Doorstop Diaries! The deadline for this call is May 10, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST.


Doorstop Diaries is an at-home art program that will help to share the untold stories of our local senior citizens. From July 2021 until February 2022, Doorstop Diaries will engage up to 24 local seniors in the creation of a set of “travelling journals”. Each month participants will learn a new art technique over Zoom and respond to a series of email art-prompts to fill the pages of their journals. They will then pop the journals in the mail so that they can swap diaries with other participants. Over the course of 2021 and 2022 these Doorstop Diaries will become an important reflection of the lived experiences of our local seniors, painting a picture of their resiliency and creativity during the pandemic.


We are seeking submissions from artists and/or arts facilitators interested in sharing their art practice with a group of engaged seniors through one or maximum two 3-hour workshops. We are open to any type of artform, so long as it can be completed in a journal and not add so much weight that it affects the cost of postage. Let your imaginations run wild! Each arts technique must be accompanied by a series of three creative journaling prompts that the seniors will receive via email after the workshop. Workshops will take place over Zoom, and senior participants will be provided with materials related to the workshops.

A NOTE ON COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: Please know that the safety of our participants and our facilitators is of utmost importance to East End Arts. While all workshops for Doorstop Diaries are currently planned to take place over Zoom, a shift in future guidelines may allow for some of these workshops to take place in-person with proper physical distancing. A full set of safety protocols has been prepared in accordance with City of Toronto Health Guidelines and will be updated to reflect the most up to date information at the time. Interested applicants should ensure that they can adapt their workshops for both in-person and online settings.


Three to six artists will be chosen by a committee of local seniors. Priority will be given to artists from EEA’s Priority Groups, with particular weight given to applications from other senior artists or arts facilitators. Proposals will be evaluated based on the experience of facilitators, alignment with the themes as described in the application, and viability of the proposed program to be delivered online.

Selected artists will be paid $225 for prep and $350 for one 3-hour workshop. You may propose a technique that involves up to two workshops.


  • Deadline for submissions: May 10, 2021
  • Results notification will be after May 12, 2021
  • Selected Artists will all be asked to join a welcome meeting on July 28, 2021
  • Workshops will take place between August 1 2021, and Feb 15, 2022


Thank you for your interest in Doorstop Diaries! To apply, please email one single PDF document, which includes your answers and all support material, to, with the following information:

  1. Name of Artist or Collective:
  2. Postal Code:
  3. Website (if applicable):
  4. Social Handles:
  5. Describe the artistic technique that you would like to share in your workshop. Keep in mind that all techniques must be able to be executed in a bound mixed-use paper notebook with limited materials. All techniques should be accessible enough that they can be learned in a three-hour class online. (Max 200 words)
  6. Aside from a notebook/journal, pens and pencils, what materials are required? (Keep in mind there is a maximum budget of $25 per participant).
  7. Even prior to the pandemic, seniors were disproportionately isolated, and their stories often untold. How will your workshop address the themes of social connection and self expression? (Max 200 words).
  8. In addition to your proposed art workshop, please provide 3 “prompts” that participants might respond to in their journals in writing and/or using the technique they’ve learned. (Max 200 words).
  9. Please provide an artist bio (200 words), attach a CV & promotional headshot.
    ** This bio & headshot will be used as promotional material for selected artists.
  10. Provide 6 examples of your work as support materials.
  11. Please confirm if you are a member of any of East End Arts’ Equity Seeking Groups:
    -Local East Toronto Resident
    -Female/Non-Binary Identifying
    -Person of Colour
    -Person living with Disabilities and/or Mental Illness
    -Low Income Community Member
    -High Density Tower Community Member
    -Crescent Town Community Member
    -Bengali Community Member

Please save your single PDF document with your name in the file name, and Doorstop at the end, i.e. Robin_Smith_DoorstopApp.pdf.

If you have any questions about the application process you can email our Programming Coordinator Adam, No phone calls, please.

Deadline for submissions: May 10, 2021 11:59PM EST


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