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THIS CALL FOR ARTISTS HAS NOW PASSED. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITTED! East End Arts invites Artists and Makers to share your skills with the east Toronto community through ArtMEETS, 2023 Summer Edition! The deadline for submissions is Sunday May 7th at 11:59 PM EST.


When your hands are busy making something, your brain is happy and relaxed, and that can be a real opportunity for magic! For East End Arts, that magic has the power to bring people together in new and exciting ways; community can be built when we’re making, creating, or just plain getting our hands dirty together, and ArtMEETS is one of the ways that we build communities through art!

Originally launched in 2018, ArtMEETS is a series of low-cost arts workshops in Toronto’s east end, which invite adult community members to make, explore, experience, transform, and share. Led by talented, engaging, and supportive artist facilitators (both emerging and experienced), ArtMEETS workshops will take place on Saturday afternoons at St. Matthew’s Clubhouse in July and August, 2023 and will give adult participants an opportunity to learn a new art skill, meet new people, and let your creative side shine! Join us this summer for our FIFTH season of ArtMEETS workshops!


East End Arts is seeking artists and arts facilitators to present single-day, three-hour arts workshops in the summer of 2023 as part of the ArtMEETS program. Workshops will take place in-person at St. Matthew’s Clubhouse, 1-4pm on Saturday afternoons, with a small break positioned for the middle of the workshop. This call is open to all arts facilitators who are new, emerging, experienced, and anywhere in between. All creative disciplines and experience levels are welcome, however, preference will be given to proposals that:

  • Introduce participants to new and engaging art forms & experiences;
  • Involve a visual art form, including, but not limited to printmaking, painting, drawing, collage, textile arts including weaving, dyeing, etc.
  • Allow participants to take home completed artworks by the end of a 3-hour workshop;
  • Have a low barrier to participation.

Let your imaginations run wild, and propose a fun workshop that is both engaging and accessible for our community members!

A NOTE ON COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: Please know that the safety of our participants and our facilitators is of utmost importance to us. All East End Arts staff and artists/facilitators are expected and required to continue to comply with applicable health and safety measures to reduce the hazard of COVID-19, including but not limited to, being fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine series, wearing a mask or face covering when necessary and required, maintaining appropriate physical distancing, and self-monitoring of potential COVID-19 symptoms when working in a space with others. All of our ArtMEETS 2023 workshops will take place in-person at our Clubhouse, however it is important that facilitators have the ability to pivot their workshops to online settings, if new regulations are presented or it becomes necessary for the health and safety of our communities.


ArtMEETS 2023 artists will be selected by a committee made up of East End Arts staff members, board members, and select local artists. Priority will be given to artists from EEA’s Priority Groups, with particular weight given to applications from Local East Toronto Residents. Proposals will be evaluated based on the experience of facilitators, and viability of the proposed workshop to be delivered in-person during a three-hour timeframe. ArtMEETS endeavors to be a fun, accessible space for people of all abilities and backgrounds to learn new art forms, meet new people, and be creative for the afternoon.

All of our Artists and Arts Facilitators for ArtMEETS 2023 will be provided with:

  • Fair and transparent facilitator fees (CARFAC rates): $229 for prep and $350 for one 3-hour workshop;
  • Costs covered for workshop supplies and materials;
  • Professional development opportunities and resources;
  • Support with administration, outreach, and communications for their individual workshop.


  • Deadline for submissions is May 7, 2023
  • Results notification will be after June 5, 2023
  • All artists will be chosen and sent contracts no later than week of June 12, 2023
  • ArtMEETS workshops will take place between July 8, 2023 and August 26, 2023


Thank you for your interest in working with East End Arts! To apply to work with us through ArtMEETS 2023, please email one single PDF document, which includes your answers and all support material, to, with the following information:

  1. Name of Artist or Collective:
  2. Postal Code:
  3. Website (if applicable):
  4. Social Handles:
  5. Please provide an artist bio (200 words), attach a CV & promotional headshot.
    ** This bio & headshot will be used as promotional material for selected artists.
  6. Describe the artform that you would like to share in your workshop. Keep in mind that all artforms should be accessible enough that they can be learned in a three-hour class online. (Max 200 words)
  7. What materials are required for your workshop? (Keep in mind there is an approximate budget of $10-25 per participant for ArtMEETS).
  8. Can you tell us what participants will get to take home, and the possible barriers to participating in your workshop? (Max 200 words).
  9. Provide 6 examples of your work as support materials.
  10. Please confirm if you are a member of any of East End Arts’ Equity Seeking Groups:
    -Local East Toronto Resident
    -Female/Non-Binary Identifying
    -Person of Colour
    -Person living with Disabilities and/or Mental Illness
    -Low Income Community Member
    -High Density Tower Community Member
    -Crescent Town Community Member
    -Bengali Community Member

Please save your single PDF document with your name in the file name, and Artmeets at the end, i.e. Robin_Smith_ArtmeetsApp.pdf. Send your PDF to

If you have any questions about the application process you can email our Operations Coordinator, Tyler, at No phone calls, please.

Deadline for submissions: May 7, 2023, 11:59PM EST

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