The deadline for this opportunity has passed.
Call for Volunteers: East End Arts Website Testing
East End Arts invites interested volunteers to help in the testing of our new website, set to launch early 2019! Volunteers will be tasked with completing short tasks that get them to engage and interact with our website in a variety of ways. We want to ensure that the new website is easy to navigate, user-friendly and accessible.
We are looking for a diverse range of volunteers. If you are interested in testing our new website please email web@eastendarts.ca with:
- Your full name
- Your age
- Your unique accessibility needs, if any (our new website offers a number of new accessibility tools, and we want to make sure these tools are helpful and relevant)
- Your primary use of our website:
a) Learn about upcoming East End Arts programs & activities
b) View and/or add to our Events Calendar
c) Learn about and/or share opportunities for artists and organizations
d) Rent our space (St. Matthew’s Clubhouse)
e) Other - And the subject line: ‘Call for Volunteers – Website Testing’
We encourage people from all age groups, abilities, sectors, etc. to apply. We look forward to hearing from you!
Deadline: Sunday January 27, 2019, 11:59 pm